Terms & Conditions

Club Handbook 

Club History

The Beginning

LWGC has been running since August 1976 with its original training venue being the girl’s and boy’s gyms of Lenzie Academy. It was known as Lenzie GC then and had Artistic, Sports Acrobatic and Rhythmic sections. Many coaches and parents of the current gymnasts will remember it well.


Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre has now become the new training venue for the club since August 2007 and has been key to its development and where we are now. The club competes in Women’s Artistic Regional & National Grades, voluntary levels and floor and vault competitions throughout the year. Our display squad will attend a variety of displays across the country and we host our own Annual Club Display.

The club further expanded in May 2016 when we established a satellite club at St Ninian’s High School, Kirkintilloch and then a further satellite club in St Andrew’s secondary school in May 2018.

We have a very dedicated coaching team and extremely committed gymnasts and parents. This ensures the club is raising its performance year after year.

Coaches, Judges and Committee 


 Julie McAdam:                   WA L3 Technical Modules; General Club Coach; Sports Acro Club

                                              Coach; Disability Gymnastics Add-on; Pre-school Club Coach

Rebecca Boyle:                  WA L3 Technical Modules; 

Evie Pender:                      WA Level 3

Emma Stewart:                  Women’s Artistic Level 2

Rebecca Scouller:             Women’s Artistic Level 2; Disability Gymnastics Add-                                           on, preschool  level 2

Hannah Little:                    Women’s Artistic Level 2

Elise Hendry:                    Women’s Artistic Level 2

Mercy Abel:                      Women's Artistic Level 2

Abigail Cribbs:                   Women’s Artistic Level 1

Laura Burchel:                  Women’s Artistic Level 1

Jade Anderson:               Women’s Artistic Level 1

Rebecca Mitchell:            Women’s Artistic Level 1

Lorna Pender:                Women’s Artistic Level 1

Michele Reilly:                  Women’s Artistic Level 1 GG Level 1


Sarah Logan:              WA Regional Judge


Angela Ferns:                         Chairperson

Claire McClymont                  Assistant Chariperson

Lisa Coulson:                          Club Treasurer

Lorna Pender:                        Club Secretary

Child Protection  

Nicole Kerr:                           Safeguarding Officer

Jennifer Broadfoot:                Safeguarding Officer

Lenzie Woodhead Gymnastics has a Safeguarding Officer. All clubs affiliated to SGA are required to have someone who is trained and available as a point of contact for gymnasts, parents and coaches to share any concerns.        

You can get in touch by emailing: lenziewoodheadgc2019@gmail.com

The Safeguarding Officer also coordinates the ongoing training and disclosure checks of the coaches in partnership with Scottish Gymnastics. 


Most information will be distributed electronically by the assistant head coach Rebecca Boyle. Email is our primary method of communication so please ensure we have your up-to-date email address and check in on your given account regularly or you will miss important communications we also use social media platforms Facebook LWGC2019 & Instagram: lenzie_woodhead_gc

Any changes to email addresses should be emailed as soon as possible to lenziewoodheadgc2019@gmail.com

In the event of a club session being cancelled due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, each member’s parent or guardian will be sent an email.

We like to encourage parents/guardians to get in touch if they have a query about any part of the club and you can do this via email to the club account. If you would like to speak with a coach, please contact the club email address and we will arrange a suitable time (usually at the end of a session). Coaches’ mobile numbers are for use in limited circumstances only and should not be given to gymnasts or other parents. Coaches will approach parents individually with any issues regarding their gymnast’s development.

General club information is posted in our display cabinet in the corridor outside the gymnasium doors at Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre.  

Payment of fees / Competition entry and Insurance

Monthly fee

Class 4 Kids will be our booking system for all our classes and payments 

Monthly fees will be paid 1st day of each month with 12 monthly payments due per session (August to July inclusive)

Should you have any concerns that a fee cannot be paid you should email the club. 

There is a two week notice period of stopping payment if your child is not returning to training is required to the club through the Class4Kids system.

Competition fee

Fees for competition entries, must be paid through the Class4Kids competition/ event page

f payment is not received by due date (as advised in the competition email) the gymnast entry will be withdrawn.

Scottish Gymnastics Association Affiliation – Insurance fee

All members of LWGC are required to be affiliated to BG for insurance purposes. This is paid as a one off annual fee and the cost varies for recreational and competitive members. You must complete this on behalf of your child at www.british-gymnastics.org/renewal-options paid each year before the new session begins in August. Please note that if a gymnast is not registered they will not be allowed to train.

Payment by cash or cheque

If you need to make a payment by cash or cheque please hand this to the Club Treasurer in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the gymnast’s name, amount of payment and what the payment is for.

Home Gym

All gymnasts will be given a set of conditioning and flexibility exercises to complete at home on the days that they are not at gymnastics. If completed regularly the exercises will be very beneficial to the gymnasts’ performance and progress should be noticeable. We would be grateful if you could encourage your gymnast to complete them. 

Gymnasts who are intending to enter Grades Regional & National (Development and Competitive Squads) are encouraged to purchase a chin up bar to help with their conditioning. 

Gymnast Performance Management

Performance Management

When gymnasts are selected to attend one of the club squads this will be on the basis that they continue to work hard, both in and outside training sessions, to facilitate their progress.

Competitive Squad gymnasts will be tested on a monthly basis to ensure they are working to improve their level of strength, flexibility and conditioning.

Display Squad and Floor & Vault Squad will also be monitored on an on-going basis to make sure certain sufficient progress is being made.

It is essential that both gymnasts and parents are aware of this before accepting a place in a squad.

If you wish to discuss your child’s progress, please email lenziewoodheadgc2019@gmail.com and we will arrange an appropriate time for you to meet the coach.

Please also note that by accepting a place in each squad there are certain expectations of the gymnasts, as detailed above and, in addition, that competitive squad members will compete when selected (barring injury/illness) and display squad members will participate in events as arranged.

Key Point:

Managing performance of gymnasts will be coach guided, parent/carer supported, but most importantly gymnast led. Gymnasts must take ownership of their development and have the desire to succeed, and this means putting in the hours with your Home Gym. A number of factors are considered when allocating squad places. These include age, ability, commitment, potential and availability. We aim to have all our gymnasts appropriately placed in the right squad for them. The majority of gymnasts are recreational gymnasts and are happy and confident at this level. Movement to development, display and competitive squads is not an automatic progression and should not be assumed when your child joins the club.





Complaints and Grievance Procedure

The diagram below shows the Club’s procedure for dealing with complaints. The complaint will go through each stage of the procedure stopping when a resolution is reached. General Complaints follow the procedure shown on the right. Child Protections Complaints follow the procedure on the left. Welfare complaints in which a child is considered to be in immediate danger will be referred directly to the police.

                               Complaint received in writing date & time



                    Safe Guarding officer                 Session Coach

                                   |                                             |

                   SGO- contacts SG                       Safe Guarding Officer

                                  |                                               |

                     SG Welfare Club Committee

                                |                                                    |

                    Police                                                   Scottish Gymnastics


Complaints and Grievance Procedure

As a club affiliated to Scottish Gymnastics, the club is bound by the SG Procedures for complaints, disciplinary issues and Membership suspensions and expulsions.

The club places the welfare and safety of its members as the highest priority.

Lenzie Woodhead Gymnastics Club has a designated Safeguarding Officer to whom all complaints, grievances and suspicions of poor practice should be addressed. 

Matters will be dealt with confidentially and only those who need to know will be informed.

The Scottish Gymnastics procedures for dealing with complaints will be followed and if an issue cannot be suitably addressed at club level, the Scottish Gymnastics procedures will be implemented.

A copy of the Scottish Gymnastics Complaints Procedure and the Policy for Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults is available from the Club Safeguarding Officer or copies can be obtained from Scottish Gymnastics.

Lenzie Woodhead Gymnastics Club is committed to providing a safe, stimulating, consistent and accessible service to children and their parents/carers. We always aim to provide high quality services for everyone, but accept that sometimes things do not always go to plan. In such circumstances, we want to know so that we can put them right and learn from our mistakes, through reflection and development.

Usually it should be possible to resolve any problems as soon as they occur. If not, then the parent/carer should follow the formal complaints procedure set out below. Under normal circumstances the Club Coach in charge of the session will be responsible for managing complaints.

Steps to be followed:

Stage One

  • If a parent/carer has a complaint about some aspect of the club’s activity, or about the conduct of an individual member of staff, it will often be possible to resolve the problem by simply speaking to the individual concerned and/or the Club Coach in charge of the session. The club is committed to open and regular dialogue with parents/carer and welcomes all comments on its services regardless of whether they are positive or negative. Please try to make any complaints at an appropriate time (i.e. end of session/change over times).
  • If a satisfactory resolution cannot be found, then stage two of the procedure will come into operation.

Stage Two

  • If informal discussions of a complaint or problem have not produced a satisfactory resolution to the situation, parents/carers should put their complaint, in writing, to the  
  •  Safeguarding Officer. Relevant names, dates, evidence and any other important                   information on the nature of the complaint should be included.
  • The Safeguarding Officer will acknowledge receipt of the complaint as soon as possible and fully investigate the matter within 15 working days. If there is any delay the Safeguarding Officer will advise the parent/carer of the reasons. The Safeguarding Officers will keep you up to date with what is happening and will give a full reply.
  • If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can ask the Safeguarding Officer to refer the matter to the Club Committee.

 Stage Three

  • The Safeguarding Officer will refer the complaint and response to the Club committee. The Club Committee will investigate the complaint together with the response at a specially convened meeting.
  • The Club Committee will acknowledge receipt of the complaint as soon as possible and fully investigate the matter within 15 working days. If there is any delay the Club Committee will advise the parent/carer of the reasons. The Club Committee will keep you up to date with what is happening will give a full reply.
  • The response will be copied to the staff members concerned with recommendations for any actions to be taken and any amendments to club policies or procedures emerging from the investigation.
  • The Chair of the Club Committee will send a reply within four weeks outlining how the complaint was investigated and detailing the outcome.
  • If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can raise the complaint to Scottish Gymnastics.
  • Codes of Practice
  • Code of Practice
  • LWGC has a Code of Practice for gymnasts and parent/carers. These are the guidelines and standards which gymnasts and parents should adhere to. Parents are asked to discuss these with their gymnast before returning a signed copy which is retained by the Club Safeguarding Officer.
  • Gymnasts who have not returned a signed Code of Practice for themselves and their parent/carer will not be allowed to train.

  • Breach of Codes of Practice
  • In the event that a gymnast breaches club rules the following process will be followed.                           

Stage 1

Verbal Warning No 1

Recorded in incident book

 Stage 2

Verbal Warning No 2

Recorded in incident book

Coach requests meeting with parent/carer

                                                                     Stage 3

If stage 2 has an unsuccessful outcome the gymnast may be asked to leave the club

  Codes of Practice – Coaches and Committee

Coaches and Committee members at Lenzie Woodhead are required to sign and adhere to a Code of Practice. Non-adherence to the Code of Practice may result in disciplinary action.

Collection and Drop off

Drop off of gymnasts

Parents/carers are responsible for their gymnast until the gymnast enters the gym hall

The coaches will take a register at the start of each class.

Collection of gymnasts

The club operates a strict sign out policy.

This requires parents and identified adults to sign the register at the end of class unless they have indicated in the appropriate consent form that their gymnast may self-sign and arrive and leave independently. Self-sign is only available to gymnasts at secondary school.

It is essential that parents and gymnasts adhere to this policy to ensure the safety of each gymnast and we appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Please note that unless coaches are notified by parents or guardians, or a parent/guardian comes to collect them, gymnasts will not be permitted to leave sessions early.

Policies & Media Consent


LWGC has signed up to all of Scottish Gymnastics’ policies including:

Child Protection Policy

Equity Policy  

Please visit www.scottishgymnastics.org to find out more information about any of the policies

Media consent

The media consent policy will continue as an opt-out policy.

This assumes that parents give consent to their gymnast’s photo/video being used for training purposes, internal and (limited) external publications and our website. We will NEVER publish gymnast’s personal details.

f you do NOT wish your gymnast’s photo being used in this way, please let me know via the email address: lenziewoodheadgc2019@gmail.com

Training Attire

Gymnasts with long hair must ensure it is tied up in a bun or French pleat. The attire when training is shorts and leotards. Boys can wear t-shirt and shorts. 

Competition/Display Uniform

Gymnasts who are attending competitions will be provided with a leotard for use on that day – this is the property of the club and should be returned UNWASHED at the first training session following the competition.

Equipment Requirements 

Competitive Squad and Development Squad gymnasts are expected to provide their own chalk and bring this to every training session. 

Gymnasts working uneven bars are expected to provide and maintain their own palm/hand guards, chalk, gloves and loops. 

Storage of Personal Belongings

Gymnasts should store all personal belongings in the lockers just outside the gym hall. Only water bottles and chalk bags will be permitted in the gym as space is at a premium.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones should be stored securely in lockers and should NOT be taken into training. In addition no gymnast is permitted to use their mobile phone to take pictures of themselves or others during training.

Spotting and Supporting during training

Supporting and Spotting are an integral part of safely learning gymnastics skills and involve the techniques of observation and handling, to ensure the safe performance of the skill. Recommended safe coaching practices as taught on BG coaching courses will be used.

This handbook will be updated from time to time. Any changes will be notified by email and updated e-versions circulated.